Starving to Six: 6 lessons I learned on my journey from 'starving artist' to six-figure entrepreneur
Let me paint a picture. I'm an artist, after all. I'd recently turned thirty, and was officially a decade into my career as an avant-garde musician. And my career, as far as young avant-garde careers go, was in a good place. Mine was the kind of career that brought me around the world, afforded me my own ensemble, and had me playing at places like Carnegie Hall.
Speak Your Mind: 3 reasons why podcast guesting is the future of your thought leadership
As a digital media entrepreneur, I work with thought leadership for a living. I love ideas, and I love seeing to it that great ideas get the exposure they deserve. These days, one of the best ways to have your ideas recognized is to be creating great content.
Forget Your Bucket List: 3 reasons why you should stop waiting and give your TEDx talk.
Have you always wanted to give a TED talk? A TED-style talk is a short talk about an idea. Most people want to give one - and with good reason. According to the New York Times, in the last three decades, TED talks have become cultural phenomenon and an increasingly important credential for those in business and entertainment.